Wednesday, November 23, 2011

AEDM 2011: Day 23 What do you wish to remember?

Every day for ART Every Day Month I show you what I created the day before. Here´s my working desktop for Nov 22nd. Photo editing. Tati needed ONE picture for school which evolved into a whole photo shoot, with changes of wardrobe and settings. That´s preteens & Happysnappy mamas for you. ;)
This detail is for Tracey Fletcher King. I do run like a headless chicken all day and work at my art real late. This month has been busy and these past few days ... let´s say I haven´t slept as much. Six hours tops. :D
Today is Wednesday. That means it´s time for Wishcasting Wednesdays at Jamie Ridler Studios. For this week the prompt is "What do you wish to remember?" to share what you wish or read other wisher´s blogs, visit Jamie´s original post for today here.

I wish to remember to pay attention to what the Universe has to say to me. That just the week I was shunned by someone (don´t worry, my only sin was not to provide enough enthusiastic response to her drama) and my daughter by her daughter (see a trend?) I received an invitation to lunch, another one for coffee and a very generous gift from Jamie. Tati also received an invitation for a playdate. We have other friends. The world is not over. We are loved.

I wish to remember to send love to others as well. You never know when someone might be needing a hug. The friends who called me didn´t even know what was happening, they had the nice gesture at the right time.

I wish to remember every day to be a friend to my friends. And also to the friends not yet made.


  1. I am sooo relieved that you are missing sleep too Paula... thought I was the only one!!! I have been getting up at 4,30am to try to get through things, but the end of the school year is almost upon us... got to love the school politics... some of those Mums are just way too much hard work aren't they...and it always seems the daughters are just the same... Love that we are over the worst of that and enjoy being free of the drama!!!

  2. A beautiful daughter, beautiful wish, and so glad that you have those unexpected angels that appear in your life. As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

  3. Lovely wish and a great reminder for us all to be a good friend to those we know as well as those who we have yet to know as friends. You never know how paths that cross at one point may cross again in the future.

    That's good how everything turned out for you and your daughter. Sounds like you have some very supportive and caring friends!

  4. Great wish and lots of work on those pictures. Beautiful daughter. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  5. Your wish is so beautiful. I can so relate to what you have said. Have a beautiful week - you are loved! Love the pics of your beautiful daughter, too. Sounds like you to have fun together! Hugs from the mountain mermaid

  6. A lovely wish, Paula. I'm sorry your were shunned...I think there's always one or two in the group like that...not a very good example to set for her daughter as, as you say, you have other friends.

    Btw, Tati looks beautiful...just like her Mama ~ xo

  7. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you as well.

  8. Beautiful wishes, Paula - it's so important to remember to pay attention!

    May you hear the whisperings of the universe clearly, and may you always remember that you are loved.

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you :-)

  9. A beautiful wish for yourself, your daughter, all of us, Paula!!
    Like weeding a garden or doing some pruning, & relishing the blossoms of those true friends who stepped up 'not even knowing!'


    As Paula wishes for herself, so I also wish!
