Saturday, December 03, 2011

Advent 2011, Day 3: an old diary

Last year I found this notebook at my mom´s. It was a school notebook that had enough spare pages at the end of the academic year for me to use it as a diary for my summer back in 1979. I was 12 at the time and had just finished primary school.
This year one of my old schoolmates (Adriana aka Suky) found me on Facebook and connected me with another girl (Isabel) as well.
One of my diary entries said that on December 3rd 1979 I had gone to Isabel´s house on a playdate with Suky and Karina, so I posted that on Isa´s wall & tagged Suky.
Within 30 seconds Suky had posted as well, ten seconds later Isa liked the post. We were all on line at the same time!
Thirty two years to the day of that playdate we met in ciberspace and chatted for two hours. We will meet in person next Friday.


  1. How awesome. I know your visit will be something very very special. Have fun next Friday.

  2. OMG! How cool is that?!!! A very special meet-up indeed! Have fun ~ xo

  3. What a great story! It gives me goosebumps to hear how you have reconnected.

    (visiting from December Views)

  4. Wow Paula, how amazing is that - have a super time.

    Toni xx

  5. If ever there is an environmental friendly ambassdor, I must nominate you :D
