Saturday, December 10, 2011

Advent 2011, Day 10: Full Moon Board and a cell phone

As part of our summer plan we are going to go out a lot, so we gave Tatiana her first cell phone as a recognition to all her hard work during her primary school which she ended on such a high note (being the National Flag escort because of her good grades and good behaviour).

On other news, today is the Full Moon and I´m participating in Jamie´s Full Moon Boards. To share your vision board or see others, check her original post for today.
As every month during 2011 my board has been made out of words and images from the current issue of the local Oh La La magazine.


  1. Love the colours and images you have used for your dreamboard!
    May all your dreams be fulfilled!

  2. What a gorgeous sea blue candle in your board. May all your dreams come true.

  3. She is looking great and I bet she is busy with her cell now :D
