Monday, December 19, 2011

Advent 2011, Day 19: my week

December 14th: 20 cds to be recorded the video Matu prepared for Tati with 280 pictures from the first day of Year 1 to the Year 6 science fair last week. Plus a folder with every picture I ever took of each of Tati´s classmates, 18 in total. I made one for Tati and another for the headmistress.

December 15th: Yay! All 20 souvenir cds are completed! I made a cover personalized for each kid.

December 16th: Tatiana´s prom event. She finished her primary school. The official photographer is taking their picture on stage.

December 17th: panettone for breakfast.

December 18th: Daniel´s cousin Alejandro repairs motorbikes as a hobby. He came home to show us his latest completed work. Fab, isn´t it?

For my Creative Every Day check in: scrapbook pages.
I´m making a planner for 2012. After I make each title page for a month I make another page with the same background and scraps from the previous one. The home album is getting lots of attention as it is the only one I make in A4 size.


  1. What a busy household...think I need some of your energy - I seem to be running out of steam at the moment LOL

    Toni xx

  2. Congrats to her for finishing primary school! So many good things going on in your household!! The planner looks wonderful - a sign 2012 will be good for you!

  3. Wow, congratulations to Tatiana on her graduation.
    Your calendar looks wonderful!

  4. Oooh the page with the gloves is my favorite!

  5. As much success came to him, my father stayed true to his promise. He built the hospital to help the most helpless children with catastrophic illnesses
