Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What do you wish for your health and wellness?

Hunny, I´m hoOome! :D
Back from our summer holidays and ready to play. :)

For my first Wishcasting Wednesday of 2012 we are asked about our wishes for our health. You can read what other wishcasters are wishing for by visiting the original post by Jamie today.

My wish is to keep my walking practice. Started by joining Quinn McDonald´s project in December and took farther (literally) in our holidays in Las Grutas, Río Negro, Patagonia region. We walked an average of 7km a day. When I say we I mean the whole family of four. :)
Held by the Patagonian wind.
Las Grutas means The caves. These are natural caves formed by years of tides, these rocks are very soft and easy to carve.
 The cliffs go lower and lower. These resembled the mayan Chichén Itza temple.
Chockle colonies on the rock floor. These are covered bu water twice a day with the tides. I took many pics to use later in my paintings.


  1. Walking what a good health and wellness wish. As Paula wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  2. Hi,
    Love your post and pictures. I started Nordic walking with my BF last year, and my dream is to practice it in the mountains this summer. Walking outdoors gives some peace and wonders!
    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you. Cheers from Bordeaux, FR

  3. Lovely pictures! As you wish so I wish for you!

  4. It's so wonderful that you kept walking all through January. It's such a good practice. And using it as your wish post made it even more meaningful.
    Now I'm very interested in those cave and the colonies of shells!

  5. Beautiful pictures! As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you!

  6. I love walking!! As you wish for yourself Paula, so do I wish for you as well!!

  7. There's almost nothing better than a walk. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also.

  8. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also.
    Here's wishing that your walking continues - sounds like a wonderful. healthy practice!
    Loved your photos of your trip - what a lovely place!

  9. More lovely photos Paula - the wind one is great.
    I love to walk but we are gradually loosing places locally that we can access due to development construction. It now means that to go for a decent walk you now have to jump in the car first and drive a fair way to find places of beauty & interest that are still readily accessible.

    Toni xx

  10. Great photos! And how nice that the whole family was walking :)

    I need to start walking again, but the winters here in Michigan in the United States can be very cold, and I don't like the cold!

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  11. Very nice pictures!
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  12. Gorgeous photos! Wow. And a lovely wish:) As you wish for your self so I too wish for you as well:)

  13. You always have the best vacations!! Lovely photos!!

    Walking is great. I hope you keep it up. I've been slacking thanks to pretty miserable weather. Neither the dogs nor I want to go out in pouring rain, freezing rain or bitter snowy winds. What wimps we are!

  14. As Paula wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

    Wonderful photos, Paula!! I wish I could walk more but I suffer with very painful feet the next day, even after a 20 minute walk. :( I don't let it stop me but I just can't walk daily.

  15. Those caves had to be amazing to see because the pictures are fantastic! Congrats on keeping that walking going! So glad you joined in the virtual vacation!
