Thursday, March 08, 2012

Full Moon Board aka Worms and Corns

Those of you in the Northern Hemisphere today you´ll be able to see the Full Worm Moon, for us in the Southern Hemisphere it´s the Full Corn Moon.
For a list of the whole year´s Full Moons in both hemispheres compiled by Jamie Ridler for Nothern and yours truly for Southern, click here

Each month since March 2009 I´ve been making double sided Full Moon boards using the current issue of a women´s magazine and keeping them in school sized folders. This year I´m using Oh La La.

Here´s side A: I´m talking about completed projects again. I think I´m telling myself "Go DO something woman!" :D
I see writing implications (new columnists) and web references (the tiny blurb speaks of having a clear net voice) again. 
I actually laughed out loud when I realized I had placed the "the luck in your hands" ... at my feet. Lol! No, it´s not a picture of me but I liked both the clothes and the name of Desiderata.
 Side B: the original ad said "Discover the poetry in your routine" which was nice but I replaced poetry by "steps that transform". The only way to do things is to add  them to my days. I need to find the spaces in my routines to wiggle them in. :)
The boots are coming, the boots are coming! I love winter clothing in layers and the dark rich colours. I always add make up but I don´t use any!


  1. Finish is my word for the year so I totally relate to what you are saying. I wish for you to be filled with inspiration and motivation.

  2. Very original how you used typography instead of an image collage. Nice to see a dream board in another language too!

  3. Oh, Paula, I love the phrase you created on the second page. Yes! Powerful!

    And thank you so much, again, for helping me transform the moons for the Southern Hemisphere. You rock.

    May all of your dreams come true.

  4. Here's to tranSfOrmaTion! Merry Full Moon! <3

  5. Beautiful Boards Paula! Thank you for sharing your dreams. And I enjoyed reading about your process, too. I like having them easy to access and easy to store. I made mine in my journal this month. You're getting ready for winter and we're getting ready for spring! I love seasons! May all your dreams come true!

  6. usually it is much to cold for any worms to show, but in Connecticut this year it is indeed a worm moon!

  7. Love this technique! And I love your clear, happy enthusiasm about creative projects. Yeah, Worm Moon didn't thrill me, but Jamie did a great job of making it work.

  8. Your board is so powerful! The "Steps that transform" really spoke to me!

  9. Great board. Lots to see and read. May all your dreams come true.
