Wednesday, April 04, 2012

What do you wish to experience + Versatile Blogger award

Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:
If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, list 7 things about yourself.
I met Quinn McDonald on line through a mutual acquaintance. This amazing woman is a writer, a trainer, a coach and waaaaayyyyyy cool. Beautiful art and interesting conversation may be found at her place. I signed up as a follower of her blog on the spot.
To have made such a meaningful artist´s list is an honour. Thank you Quinn!

My list of 15, my fave gathering places and their founders:

1 to 4) Under Our Willow Tree: The Ridlers drinking tea Written by three smart and sassy sisters: Jamie, Shannon and Suzie you get to know them through snapshots of their daily lives. One of the very few siblings relationships that make me wish I was not an only child.
5 to 7) I have been participating in Paint Party Fridays since the very first post, most Fridays I contribute with my own paintings and every Friday I get to see awesome art from around the world to be inspired and challenged. Many thanks to Kristin and Eva, the founders and managers of the site who are versatile bloggers themselves too.
8) Talking about challenges, Sunday Sketches is a well known and loved cyber gathering place.
9) In the same line of thought: Leah Piken Kolidas´s Creative Every Day site has a very special place in my heart. I can´t even remember how I met Leah but I know she was the beginning of my art journey as a grown up. Everything started there. Thank you Leah!
10 to 12) The latest addition to my Blogfeed lists: The butterfly effect, started by Amy and Natasha May Each weekly post will also mention the following week´s theme so you have time to play.
13) Have you got Carla Sonheim´s book Drawing Lab ? Then go to Paint Myself pretty by Cameron and share the lesson´s work. :)
14 &15) If writing is your "thang", Sunday Scribblings, hosted by Megg is for you.

From time to time I participate in one of these "tell me something new about you" things. Today I will tell you about my new time waster. I mean, entertainment. Bubble Witch Saga in Facebook. ;)

Bubble Witch Saga Confession #1: I (Paula) befriended my own account in Spanish (María Paula for local friends and family) to help myself at the game.
Bubble Witch Saga Confession #2: it annoys me that María Paula is getting better scores than Paula based on my 91 levels of experience. 
Bubble Witch Confession #3: while waiting for the ghosts to clear the path I go back and try my hand at past levels again to gain more stars, except on those levels that my son has already got better scores than me. I don´t change those.
Bubble Witch Confession #4: the most difficult level for me so far has been Level 55.
Bubble Witch Confession #5: I looked the level up in You Tube but it is truly a matter of patience, good luck and a bit of strategy.
Bubble Witch Confession #6: I play at least once a day until I run out of lives.
Bubble Witch Confession# 7: I play better when I have the sound on.

Today for Wishcasting Wednesdays Jamie Ridler asks: What do you wish to experience?.
I put all my nominees first because that is what I wish to experience: a sense of belonging.

I wish to feel that I am part of something. I take part in those circles. Now I wish to experience the true sense of I BELONG HERE. I wish to experience the reaching out to and from others. I wish to experience the sharing. I wish to experience the BOND.


  1. Great wish. To Belong here. It is really nice to feel that you belong to something. As Paula wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  2. As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you!

  3. Hi Paula,
    Belonging creates love and connection. Hope everything is great in your corner of the world.
    Have a nice week. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
    Cheers from France

  4. Paula, I couldn't imagine the blogosphere without you! You're always so encouraging with the comments you write on my blog and when I visit yours you always bring me so much inspiration!

    Sending you big hugs! Congrats on your award, too!

  5. Paula your wish speaks so deeply to me I could have written it myself! Moving every 3 years for the last 15 has caused me to struggle with finding a place to belong. I feel like I'm holding myself back sometimes so I don't miss the people/places I belonged to.
    I'm so grateful to have found you through our wishcasting tribe. And as you wish for yourself, I wholeheartedly wish for you (and me too)

  6. As you wishes for yourself, so I wish for you also. Brightest Blessings!

  7. Grats on the award! It's always nice to know your blogging is appreciated, and I'm sure your readers enjoy seeing new places to hang out.
    As for belonging, it sounds to me like you already have that wish... As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.

  8. So many beautiful blogs! Thanks for sharing! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.

  9. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you as well!

  10. A wish to belong, I love it! Obviously, you are a very giving and generous woman so I'm sure you are a lovely addition to any circle :) As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!

  11. Belonging.
    Be longing.
    Be the longing.
    In the longing is the be-longing.
    Belong. In the longing.

  12. Paula, thank you so much for nominating us! We're absolutely thrilled. A blogging award for our willow tree!! How awesome is that :) You have these three sisters beaming.

    And I am reaching out and giving you a great big old hug of belonging!!

    As Paula wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Totally.

  13. Paula, I love the sentiment in this wish...belonging! As you wish for yourself I wish for you also.

  14. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well!
    A lovely wish - may your deepest wish be fulfilled!

  15. Belonging... such a warm and loving feeling! :]
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  16. Cool people, Cool nominations!
    To belong, to be longed for...well, it's what gives meaning to our days.
    Art is a great way of 'belonging' for me.

  17. Aww Bubble Witch Saga, I have wasted playing the Island #6 40 times but cannot get over 110 bubbles, I have used webb, rainbow balls bomb stoppers, and still cannot get higher
