Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 23

For Creative Every Day 2012, I´m taking a picture a day for the whole year. This is my third time around with the Pic-a-day project and at the end of each month I make a mosaic of the month´s pictures. I´ve taken 158 out of the possible 161 pictures so far.

Sunday, June 3rd (152/155): Queen Elizabeth II of England´s Diamond Jubilee. I watched the BBC first but their coverage was kind of slooooow, so I tried CNN which had Brit presenters and fun interviews for the duration of the event. 
 Monday, June 4th (153/156): evening´s tea at Tati´s computer is a daily ritual.
 Tuesday, June 5th (154/157): Venus eclipsed the sun by going in between the Sun and the Earth. I followed part of the transit by the on line direct feed from Nasa´s webcams in Hawaii.
 Wenesday, June 6th ( 155/158): somebody got a new red rug.
 Thursday, June 7th (156/159): lunch with my bff Vivi at La Brava, a local bar/restó. Those "pinchos" were delicious!!! Chicken, parma ham and champignons. Super yummy.
 Friday, June 8th (157/160): quoting myself from FB:  I think I´ve reached the breaking point where I´m doing too many things at the same time. For the first time in years ... I burnt dinner!!!! As a matter of fact I burnt three lunches to be precise. *sigh*
 Saturday, June 9th (158/161): the German Ambassador came to our school with a quality prize signed by Germany´s president. Long story for this one:  I´m the "unofficial official" photographer for such events. This time I e-mailed the marketing person to say my camera was out of order and I wouln´t be bringing it with me today for the premiere of the theatre play for the 90 years of the school. Big panic ensued when I arrived as somehow nobody had got my message. No worries, the theatre group would have their own photographer, I said. Fine, we´ll give you her camera. {WTF?} Nooooooo, I came as a guest today, she´ll take the pics, I answered while walking backwards. That was until I saw her. She was truly panicking with her camera, which turned out to be her son´s camera and she had no idea how to use. Cue to an unltraquick autodidact course and me taking the photographs. We also had the visit of the local Mayor and another top shot of the Education Secretary. This one was the personal picture I took with my iPod. I might be getting copies of the ones I took with the pro camera some time.  
{Sunday snippets}: is a collection of photos from your week. This way I can also add the pics that didn´t make "picture of the day" but are still significant to document our family life.  Stop by {tinniegirl}'s blog for more or to play along! I´ll be playing too. :) The tagline is: "No need for words.  Let the pictures tell your story."  Sitting on my hands here not to be too wordy. Please feel free to ask anything you want to know about them. :)


  1. Ooops to the burnt food. Another great collection of photos Paula.

    Toni xx

  2. Loving your picture a day project! Maybe next year I will do it too, since I love taking photos. I really enjoyed yours.

  3. You have cettainly had n interesting week!

  4. What an interesting week you had.

  5. Funny you should say that about the BBC coverage - the papers here have been full of how poor it was!
