Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The money is in the list, but how?

You´ve heard it before: the bigger your list, the more money you will make. The money is in the list.newsletter ideas

So what is a “list” to begin with and what do you do with it? This is what  from Early to rise says
I simply drove traffic to my website and captured the names and e-mail addresses of my visitors. Then I sent them follow-up e-mails with quality content and relevant sales promotions. ~
Do you have to run as soon as you can and build a list off the bat?  Is it really that simple? Not everybody thinks so and Kyle says:
You are putting the cart way ahead of the horse and if you focus on something that you cannot possibly do without knowing how to build a website, get traffic, and promote to a particular audience you are going to be disappointed. ~

In that case, let´say you have your website up and running and you have been investigating your audience habits. What´s next?  Start getting the money that is in the list.

Start building your e-mail list

* Choose an e-mail marketing service. Web designer Ana Lynn Amelio recommends Mad Mimi. I´m in love with MailChimp 
* Create a suscription form
* Put the suscription form in visible places on your website. Eg: your home page, a sidebar in the blog, at the bottom of every post.
*Design your newsletter

and then …

+ Be consistent. E-mail your readers on a regular basis
+ Provide Value, whether it is information or entertainment
+ Promote your content
+ Promote your products and services
+ Add surprises! A bonus post, a discount, important news, a personal note. Be creative.

but do not …

+ spam your readers with affiliate products they didn´t sign up for.
+ send multiple e-mails per day
+ sell, sell, sell, all the time.

Tell me: Do you have a mailing list? How big is it? Which service provider did you choose? Are you already making money with it?

You have read this far. Now that you are here, suscribe to my newsletter! Good things are coming.

* indicates required

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