Thursday, January 05, 2012

A change of scene

I´m taking part in Quinn McDonald´s 30 day Creativity practice.
It´s a deep writing and walking meditation and I´ve been writing and walking with different degrees of success (some days my monkey mind took over in my walks which led to quite a few funny moments. I like monkey watching ;) )
These past two days this is where I´ve been writing:
 And this is my view. Nice. :) This is the San Matías Gulf, Las Grutas, Río Negro. The beginning of the Patagonia region.
 This is my family: my boy, my girl, my hubbie. This is where we´ve been walking. A lot. :D


  1. Oooh nice Paula. What beautiful scenery to write to. Enjoy.

  2. Beautiful place to be. No matter where we go, we take ourselves along. Thanks for taking US along on this one!

  3. How lovely! I'm sure you will find lots of inspiration and things to write about.

  4. I envy you the sun and the sea, as we battle 140km/hr winds and freezing temperatures in Ireland!

  5. What a lovely view from the window and a beautiful place to walk...enjoy Paula.

    Toni xx

  6. Oooh! I would give anything to be near the sea! <3

  7. This looks like a perfect place to walk and write. Enjoy every minute.

  8. Wow Paula, what a place to write! beautiful! x
