Sunday, January 01, 2012

Project 365: 2011 Summary

On January 1st 2011 I decided to have another go at the 365 project, taking one picture a day. In 2010 it had been a 276 project. ;)
This is year I managed to get 361 pictures! Yay!

January, mostly summer holidays images.

February: we went out, we stayed in, we had two birthdays in the family.

March: back to school and painting lessons.

April: more painting, parties, a Royal Wedding and Easter.
May: yes, more painting, cross stitching, a first holy communion for our niece M, movies. 

June: dog sitting Candela, food, painting, kids being cute. :)

July: winter holidays in Córdoba.

August: Sparkles e-course, Tati as flag bearer, V´s first birthday, more school related stuff. 

September: Loads of Tati school related events, more painting, communicating with Daniel who was in Germany. 
October: days are nicer, so many family outings, Mati´s trip to Puerto Madryn, Daniel´s trip to Córdoba.

November: family, friends and food go well together. ;) T was born.

December: end of the academic year, Tati finishing primary school, Christmas related events like baking cookies and putting the tree up.

Ready for 2012 with title pages for each month. The idea is to have a project book and then divide the projects in tasks to do in my daily planner. I´ll also have a written journal, a collage journal and a painted journal. 
I´ll still be participating in Wishcasting Wednesdays, Full Moon Boards and Paint Party Fridays.


  1. What a neat photo retrospective of 2011! Such a cool project. And I like your planning journal and other journals for 2012. Sounds like you have a great art year set up!

    I'll be Wishcasting and Dreamboarding again this year too, and now that we are finished with The Artist's Way journey, I am taking Brave Girls Body Restoration workshop, which begins later this month.

    Have a very happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Paula. You are amazing with all that you do. It sounds like you have a wonderful 2012 planned.

  3. Gosh this is so cool Paula and the effort and hardwork that goes into are truly inspiring ;D

    Happy New Year to you and your family :D

  4. Happy New Year, Paula. I am going to continue with my journal and stuff.

  5. Well done Paula on achieving so much with your 365 photo project - each month is a fabulous keepsake of memories.

    I love your journals that you have ready for 2012 - looks like you are going to be very organised.

    Happy New Year my friend.
    Toni xx

  6. WOW! I loved seeing all your photos for 2011, Paula. Great memories to look back on. It looks like you're all set for 2012. I'm so looking forward to following along with your blog this year.

    Serena xo

  7. Wow! I LOVE this idea and your photos are amazing!

    Hoping you have many more fun and exciting picture-taking moments in 2012! I'm seeing you've already started. :)

    Felicidades, amiga!

  8. Happy Happy New Year, my friend!! This makes me want to do this 365 PHoto thing, myself and I'm bummed, now, that I didn't snap a photo of Jan 1st. Ha, I'm lucky I finally managed to start posting to my blog again. But how cool this looks, all together -all the lovely photos of you all having fun (your daughter looks so much like you)! Wishing you the very best in the year to come and looking forward to sharing about all the goodness. xoxo

  9. Way to commit to a project--kick ass!! Happy New Year! <3
