Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Writer #5: Honoré de Balzac

Honoré de Balzac was born in Tours on March 20, 1799.

In 1829 appeared La Dernier Chouan , a historical work in the manner of Sir Walter Scott. Gradually he began to be noticed as an author. Between the years 1830 and 1832 he published six novelettes titled Scènes de la Vie Privée. In 1833 Balzac conceived the idea of linking together his novels so that they would comprehend the whole of society in a series of books. Eventually this plan led to 90 novels and novellas, which featured more than 2,000 characters. Balzac's huge and ambitious plan drew a picture of the customs, atmosphere, and habits of bourgeois France. Balzac got down to the work with great energy, writing through the night, from fourteen to eighteen hours a day.

Balzac is regarded as the creator of realism, or naturalism, in the novel. He is openly acknowledged as the one who established the technique of the orthodox classical novel, in which consequent and logically determined events are narrated by an all-seeing observer and characters are coherently presented.

Balzac died in Paris, on August 18, 1850.

In a mood for an exhaustive work? Then click [url=http://www.classic-literature.co.uk/french-authors/19th-century/honore-de-balzac/honore-de-balzac-biography.asp]here[/url]

Another link: [url=http://www.online-literature.com/honore_de_balzac/]On line literature[/url]

No Layout for Messieur Balzac.


christina said...

i think that it is so neat that you write about different authors. i love reading your blog :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Thanks Christina! :)


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