Sunday, February 25, 2007

Check Point: week 1

Disclaimer: I´ve joined the Finding Water project but as that book is not available in Buenos Aires yet I´m really working on "The artist´s way" (which uses the same tools: morning pages, dates with artist). I´ll also add some FW comments from what I can gather from other blogs. :)

1. I´ve done my daily pages every day.

Aha, you´ve noticed that I wrote "daily" and "day" instead of morning, right? I only had one "early morning"set, most were mid morning and even had an afternoon set. But they are getting me somewhere and that´s what this journey is about.

Unfortunately the first three days only brought me nightmares. I was doing the "divide your life in 5 year segments and identify the negative statements" task. Each night I had very vivid and detailed dreams that I could actually remember a whole day. Then life got in the way and the present didn´t allow time for the past.

2. The artist´s date. Kind of. I got a couple of surfing sessions getting to know some amazing women doing cool stuff. Not leaving the house though.

3. Other meaningful stuff. I´ve read the chapter three times now. First to know what it is about. I did all the tasks in my head. Then read it again to see if I had missed something and refined the process. Read it today for the third time to jot down some note about the tasks. Every time I read it I come closer to accepting some things and affirmations.

On to week 2. :)

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