Wednesday, November 19, 2008

AEDM Day 19 / SCDay 18 Time to be here

AEDM Day 19: SC collage. Saying Yes (Sí) to life. A few autoreferencial things like the fast menu sign with a McD sticker because that´s what we hadfor lunch (can´t cook with the workers here) and a swimming mask, plus my age. A young 41. :D
SC Day 18:
affirmation for today -"I invite the pure light of the sun into my heart. May it shine from my heart to the world."

Level 3 is choose each moment. I did that yesterday. I already told my UKS team mates that (and I quote myself) yesterday had more comings and goings than usual as I needed some extra chores done and somehow I ended up being the mom in charge of four young huns at bible class. By the way that wasn´t a complaint! I love the girlies so it was fun to stay at the class and I like my house/dog enough to go out and fetch things for them. :)

Loved this post by Genie Sea. To change our perspective on each scene.

1 comment:

Genie Sea said...

Spending time with little ones is a blessing indeed. That is one sure way to stay in the moment! :)

Thank you so much for your kind comments honey! :)


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