Sunday, January 16, 2011

Roaming around the Patagonia

It always surprises me to see a picture where I´m by Mati´s side. Wow, he´s tall! :D
This was taken today at the "casa de piedra" (stone house) river. It was quite chilly. It even snowed during last night!
Hubbie got his fishing permit yesterday so he stayed at the river for a while.
We also walked around the woods.
When it started raining we left the place and went sightseeing. This is the Llao Llao Hotel seen from the mountain. You can see the Nahuel Huapi lake at the front and the Moreno lake at the back.
Sunny again. :)
Yesterday we had a BBQ at the National Park Nahuel Huapi. The kids are learning to make their own fire with found branches.
We stayed by the river.

We had a guest. ;) A cute brown dog that adopted us.


misteejay said...

That river looks beautiful Paula.

Both the children seem to be shooting up but yes he has become tall - it's only when you see pics like this you realise just how tall.

Toni xx

Anne Butera said...

What a lovely time you're having and what great photos!

Serena Lewis said...

OH what a beautiful place!! I very much enjoyed these photos, Paula ~ :)


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