Now, what do we do with all that paper?
Option #1, the easy way out: buy a folder put everything in it. If you are feeling inspired you can organize the bills by service provider and date.
Option #2, for a fun weekend: get a manila box and go to town with acrylic paints, stencils and stamps.
Step 1: paint the manila box with a base layer. I used a soft yellow. When it´s dry, paint a second layer for a solid background.
Step 2: use stencils and a brayer to decorate with several designs/colours.
You can also decorate with foam stamps and acrylics, like my "Scraps" lettering or rubber stamps and inks.
Edited to add the finished decorated box.
We can also take this project a step further and make a "vision box". If you´ve never heard of vision boards and are the reading type, check Christine Kane´s explanation of them. If you like the video learning experience, check out Jamie Ridler´s videos on the theme.
Here´s a quick one for your watching pleasure. :D
In easy words ~ because we are making our lives lighter, right? ~ get your favourite magazine/s, your "go to" cutting tools and a glue stick.
Get comfy, set your intention and start cutting. When you have enough images (that is pictures and words) glue them to your box.
Have a creative weekend!
I´m linking my painted box to "Paint Party Friday". Go visit other participants to be inspired!
I like your second option much better Paula!
I've always wanted to do a vision board, a vision box sounds like lots of fun!
hugs Lynn
la verdad q es bastante aburrido la carpeta donde se guardan las boletas... muy buena la idea!!!
Love the decorative ideas.
I think I would need a cargo container to store all my papers - not sure where I would keep it though LOL
Toni xx
Great idea to get organized in a creative way! Its always much more fun when you can personalize something rather than going with a store bought item. Great idea for bills and adult paperwork i think i will take it another direction and help my 14 year old daughter make a couple of these to use as memory boxes for all her little scraps of momentos--example: movie ticket stubs,award certificates from junior high,ribbons from sports,etc. Thanks for the idea!
What a wonderful idea a creative box for scraps ~ wonderful creations ~~ ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)
What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing.
what a great project! looks cool too :D
I'm always looking for pretty, creative ways to get organized. thanks for the great tips!
what a wonderful result of your creativity! HPPF!!!
This is such a great idea, I think we will all be trying it out. Thanks so much.
I like this. It's so much nicer than my collection of undecorated shoe boxes.
Fun, bright box!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
I actually have a draw that all bits and bobs and paper scraps go into , which is about my only organised space and I may have now had to allocate a second draw, but I am thinking some boxes may work better because then I could get it out easier...great idea... I am loving this series Paula... you are really getting me thinking...xx
I like these projects you have been doing. Thanks.
Me gusta la idea hasta para la envoltura de regalos.
i could probably wallpaper a room. I have trouble throwing magazines & scrap bits out!
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