Creative brains need to beautify everything, even such a thing as a calendar. We just want to be our own boss, and manage our own time. The first step is to create a calendar that we will actually use.
If you think "cool handmade calendar", the first mixed media artist that comes to mind is iHanna who has created a lot of Calendar Inspiration and tutorials on her blog, from making your own binder to creating calendar tabs, so I invited her to chat about the subject.
Here is what she wrote on the reasons why she loves to make her own:

Crafters, artists, paper lovers and planners all agree that a personalized personal planner is the way to go – if you have the time to put into it for planning your year, blog posts, important dates, and the daily progress of your many creative projects! With specific list pages to record what you watch, read, borrow, want to check out in the future and more... Make your planner work for YOU!
As I printed pages for 2014 I decided to create all the 52 weeks in one computer file (with all the 365 days dated and week numbers added). I then, finally, decided to offer it as a digital download, for a small cost, to all my readers who has been requesting it since for ever. To me, and you probably, the time it takes to assemble this is sooo worth it! Oh the joy of putting it together and then getting to use it.
I love my planner
What I absolutely LOVE about making/using my own planner is:
* choosing papers (mine is 80 gram cream coloured paper especially bought for this project)
* making my own section dividers (tabs)
* using pretty scrapbook papers, postcards and other fun stuff
* deciding what’s important and what’s not (in a pre-made calendar you will always get a new phone list but what I really want is a space personal lists like my read book list etc)
* printing 6 months at a time and then the rest later
* having everything in a ring binder so that I can move, remove and change order of everything that’s in there
* having room and papers especially made for list making, sketching, writing, keeping track of time, to do-lists and more
* being able to make something pretty that I use in everyday life – daily
* being able to customize a ring binder that fits your purse!
* that I can re-use the ring binder, dividers and list pages year after year!
Thank you so much Hanna for highlighting the many creative reasons to make our own planners! Both my organized and my creative sides are happy with these. ;)
You can still get iHanna´s 2014 calendar pages on etsy and the extra pages, especially made for list makers and those of us who love to plan our lives ahead of time, here:
Places where you can find iHanna on line:
FB page: Studio iHanna
Twitter: @iHanna
G+: iHanna
Pinterest: iHanna
Instagram: iHanna
You Tube: iHanna´s Creative Channel
Interesting article Paula and some great ideas from your guest. TFS
Toni xx
This is pretty cool. I have notes, dates and etc. everywhere. Very unorganized.
As a fellow creative I understand the need to add a personal touch to everything. Nice post!
i love art journaling too! I have tuyrned my PLanner Pad into an art journal so now I need a new calendar.
good idea to make your own
Oh I used to be a total planner geek! I still find myself paroosing through them in stores. I love the idea of personalizing it to one's self.
Such Great Information I Must Check This Out I Really Need A New Planner
I have a planner but definitely need to make a calender. This one is great.
Michelle F.
i love that calendar! i think something like that would make me much more organized
What a nice idea of making your own planner. I think I would have to find time to plan on making my planner though.
I should make my own planner too. I am never quite satisfied with the store bought ones.
I love receiving handmade calendars because he tells you how much time and effort they devoted in your personalized gift.
The handmade calendar looks so cool and can also help you be more organized the whole year.
I need to make one for myself:) now when I saw yours ;) looks cute!!
So nice! I am not creative at all, so I really appreciate all that you put into making it yours.
I always make my calendars with pictures and I need the space to write on each day. My calenders are like my diary.
This would make a great gift! Thanks so much :)
Great idea. I have always usde a pre printed calendar but I like this idea so much better because it is more flexible.
Awesome, a great gift and very organized. Your personal touch is nice too.
What a great calendar! Yes, it is wonderful to have things done by yourself and express yourself through them :)
She is quite colourful, isn´t she Toni?
Get them all together Paula. Make your own data center. :)
Oh, yes! Personalised is cool Cory.
The idea of turning your planner pad into your art journal is fabulous Miriam. Taking note of it.
I have two planners Heather! Love them.
Thanks Lisa. Planners are nice and useful.
Thanks Michelle. Calendars give you a sense of time flow.
Janelle, having something pretty to use helps. :D
Lol Julie. Excellent point.
Liz, that is what I like as well. Having it tailormade.
Interesting take Leira. I hadn´t considered the receiving end.
I like the freedom to change things around Franc.
Go for it Irena. They are fun to make and use.
I´ve been reading your blog Mary Ann, you ARE creative.
That is a very interesting addition Rebecca.
You are welcome Sherri.
Thanks Michelle, it gives you more freedom to put things in or take them out.
Thanks APril. I like my planners to feel mine.
Exactly! The expression part is a big component Joanna. Thanks.
It's nice to have something handmade like a calendar. Makes it more personal and special.
Your first sentence is so true. I have to make things looks good before I can do anything!
Very Organized, this is a great tip. Thanks for sharing.
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