Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Reverse engineering and long titles

By now you all know I´m taking part of the AEDM (Art every day month) project that Leah leads each November. Both links on the right side of this blog.

You may know I´m taking part of the cyber book club reading Soul Coaching too.

So the titles this month will go something like "AEDM 4 / SC 3: something funny happened on my way here".

Why the reverse engineering? Because I couldn´t find the book locally! *shock*

I had high hopes as I had been able to find Julia CAmeron´s book for Leah´s group, "A new Earth" for Melba´s and also the "Eat, pray, love" that Kelly recommended.

No such luck for this one, so I´m reading what others say, guess the original questions on work on them myself. :) Now I´m off to surf blogs.

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