Monday, May 11, 2009

More questions

My pink full moon board had no focus. It was a week late and the making of it was hard, long, confused, fussy, almost forced (who am I kidding? Almost? It was like pulling teeth!). The page was a haze, my month was a haze. I can recall a thing or two if I read my diary or look at the pictures.

My flower moon board is extremely focused. It was right on time and it took me about two and a half minutes to know which images to use and how to use them. What I want is my creative energy back.

I´m working on things again. Talking about working: the uber cool Jamie 
is interviewing me! Go, check her site, she has many super interesting projects going.


* leave me a comment with your email address saying: “interview me”
* I will e-mail you five questions of my choice
* you can then answer the questions on your blog {with a link back to my blog}
* you should also post these rules, along with an offer to interview anyone else who emails you, wanting to be interviewed
* anyone who asks to be interviewed should be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog
* it would be nice if the questions were individualized for each blogger

My questions from Jamie:

1. If reincarnation is true, what's something you're sure you were in a past life?
Some people say Napoleon, Neron, Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, big characters, famous people. Nope, not me. I must have been a lady in waiting. The spoilt creature in the light and the shadows. Close enough to the top dog to be influential, not too close so as not to burn in the fire beams. A life of comfort but also of duties served. A life of human behaviour knowledge (you need that to survive in court) because life is a mind game.

2. Where do you feel most at home?
I´ll take this question as "feel at home" outside my home / home town, where by the way I feel totally at home. *grin*
Home away from home places:
Puerto Madryn, Argentina. I love that city. Just the right size, big enough to have all the brand shopping, cinema, museums, etc I want and small enough for you to know a lot of people/places. By the sea, with great scenery and wild life. 
Chester, UK. We lived there for a while. It is 2000 years old with many historical features and architectural yumminess plus the modern comforts of modern Europe.

I feel at home at the classroom, on both sides of the teacher´s desk. ;)
And I feel happy behind the camera. I´m a Happysnappy and keeper of memories.

3. What bores you?
Almost nothing, with the exception of studying German for exams. That sent me to sleep, but most probably out of fright not boredom. I have a high tolerance to what others consider boring topics/people and keep myself good company.

4. When you were a little girl, what's something you got in trouble for?
Me? Trouble? I was your poster child! Lol! And then by my teens I had such a good reputation that nobody suspected I could be up to no good. *giggle*

5. What's something that totally rocks about you?
I cheated on this and asked my hubby who would find more good things in me than I would. ;)
He says that I´m known in his family for not yelling at the kids. At family parties when the kids get too loud or in a squibble, I would approach them, say something in low voice and they´d be poster kids themselves. They also have good grades and he thinks my presence while they are doing their homework and the way I explain things to them have some weight. In short I rock at educationg the kids. :D They are good, healthy, smart, cute kids. 

Anybody up to 5 questions? They will be fun. Promise. :D


Unknown said...

I'll give it a try Paula. My e-mail is

I love you answer to the last question. I think kids who have moms who are present while they are doing their homework do so much better.

Jamie Ridler said...

Oh, I just loved reading your answers, Paula! What insight into you and your unique way of seeing and being in the world.

You know what word kept coming to mind when I was reading about what rocks about you? Presence. You have presence.


Unknown said...

Your answers show a happysnappy lady who knows her mind.

Shoot me your questions: fatmazaidi at


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