Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Bonus post #Reverb10 Day 1

After the kids are in bed I dedicate some time every day to visit the Blogosphere. Old friends, new friends, acquaintances, total strangers.

A few mentioned Reverb 10. It is a series of prompts with the tagline "reflect on this year and manifest what´s next". You can sign up to receive a free daily prompt via email. By now you already know I did. Lol!

Today´s prompt is:
December 1 One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
(Author: Gwen Bell)

My word for 2010 is LISTEN. It took me a few days of wondering, wandering and pondering. I decided to keep my eyes and ears open to whatever might come my way.

All that attention lead to a lot of changes. So many that my iGoogle has a sticky note that says: "2010, the year of change" just above the word LISTEN.

We (as a family) changed some habits / routines. I worked a lot on housework efficiency, including homework for the kids. I got some gym dvds to add to the daily routine. I haven´t been to a gym in eons. I started walking/running!

We also changed material things like: computers, cameras and changed our 10 year old SUV for a new one. We even took the plunge after 6 years of saving to go to Disneyland. :)

To write this post I went through part of my Blog´s archives for 2010 and couldn´t help but smile at the happy memories. Good year, this year of change.

I´m still not ready for my Word for 2011, althouggh I have a few finalists. :D

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