Now on to today´s wish: WHO do I want to become?
Timely question as I´m officially entering another phase of my life as I have become the mom of TWO teenagers now. Tati was 13 on July 3rd.
I wish to become the hip teenager´s mom who can plan a Facebook party now the Princessess are off limits. ;)
I wish to become the level headed teenager´s mom that offers support & guidance to her kids, her kids´friends and her kids´friend´s moms! ;)
I wish to become the teenager´s mom that doesn´t loose sight of herself as a young woman, who can be useful, hard working, fun, open to learning, giving, healthy eating, interesting, creative, deep, innovative...
Woohoo! You are going to be a fabulous mum for your teenagers!!! As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also x
Paula, sounds like you've got the right recipe for being a mother to teenagers. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
Different idea a facebook party. As Paula wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As a mother of two teens and two sons who are past their teens, it looks like you are embracing the challenge well.
What I have learned is that while it's important to be open and communicate, the teens still need to have their parents help them with their limits and boundaries.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you.
I loved my kids at every stage... you will be just fine. Your children are lucky to have such a compassionate mother. As Paula wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well! ~diana :)
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well. :)
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