Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New creative project: the process

This is where I´ve been working on a new 365 project, with one of the best Patagonian views. The Ruca Carel cabin in Cerro Catedral, a very small village up the mountain near San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province, Patagonia Argentina.
This is how I roll aka "the process".
Step 1: gather my planning materials. A4 sheets of ruled paper, coloured pens, sticky notes, ruler, scissors.
Step 2: choose my colours for goals and tasks. Design the monthly templates.
Remember to keep the water intake running! Pretty cups help a relaxing atmosphere for work. ;)
Step 3: get the calendar to plan dates for daily tasks.
Step 4: get each month´s template displayed.
Step 5: cut sticky notes to size.
Step 6: write daily tasks on sticky notes and start playing with placements.

In case you are wondering what the project is about: I´m leading a cell phone photography project with daily prompts. You can already find the prompts at my Facebook page "Paula - Buenos Aires". Start whenever you want and play for a year. Or maybe a just for a month. You always have your phone with you, start snapping!

Read the second part on how to plan a project by clicking here: The next step.

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Joy Healey said...

Gosh, you're very organized. Well done.

I haven't even managed to plan the weekend ahead - someone usually manages to change what I had hoped to do!

Keep up the good work.


Unknown said...

Wow - I'm so glad you got my attention today!! This is right up my ally :) I'd love to start a project like this! New follower!!! ~ Renee (Renew Your Space)


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