1. What am I working on?
Quinn McDonald´s latest book: Inner Hero Creative Art Journal: Mixed Media Messages to Silence your Inner Critic for more help on how to deal with my own Inner Critic. Barbie, that´s my IC´s name, has been in full flow these past few days since the book arrived.
Tried to make peace with her pointing out that she was shown in her full glory on page 16. In the first chapter, no less! All to no avail.
I met Quinn through an on line friend and became a frequent commenter at Quinn Creative, her blog. Barbie showed up from time to time and we were invited to participate in the book. Yes, Barbie is a text book example of Inner Critic. She is a pro at confusing me and taking me off track.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
According to Quinn´s instructions I will be creating loose leaf pages, a stack of creative responses to Barbie. The pages are loose-leaf so I can choose the Inner Hero who needs to confront the specific attacks. Man! She´s got quite a variety of negative emotions, destructive comments and hurtful directions! By the way of writing exercises I will find the heroes voices and skills. The cards will have writing on one side and an image on the other.Each of the book´s chapters has two parts, one about an art technique and one about a writing technique. Way cool!
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
I trust Quinn. I have been reading her work for years now and we chatted and emailed a lot. Quinn was the illustrator for my week #37 last year and she also answered an interview about her creative space.
4. How does your writing/creating process work?
The same way I described last week. I procastinate and then work like crazy on everything. That being said, I NEED blocks oftime to work in an effective way with writing and crafting. No hopping like I do for housework or on line work.
And now as part of last Monday´s blog hop from Kim Switzer at MuseCraft let me introduce to you people whose blogs I have started reading recently and that have interested me particularly.
Giada C from Crafty Tasty Geeky I just love the weekly finds posts, both the geeky and the crafty. I like her inquiring nature and her sense of style. And of course the crafty, tasty, geeky combination is irresistible
Natalie from Natalie Patalie because of all the reading suggestions (I´m a librarian) and all the daily pictures (I did that for four years and I toned it down for this round) of her interesting adventures.
I will be bringing you more cool people to meet on a weekly basis! Next Wednesday: three more links to hop to.
Have you named your Inner Critic? That is the first step to recognize him/her and start working with him/her.
My inner critic stays on her toes more than I do. I have always said we are our own worst critics. :) I need to give mine a name and work on toning her down.
I am very similar to you- I tend to procrastinate like crazy and then work like crazy. The deadline makes things easier for some reason!
I procrastinate until the last minute too and then I scramble. Somehow that seems to be the only way I can do things!
I am such a big procrastinator! That's why I stress out so much, but then it helps me get the job done!
oh. I'm such a self critic, sometimes too much! Trying to get rid of it :)
I am also my own worst critic. I am such a procrastinator too.
Michelle F.
That was a nice sudo interview... I make decisions and do not procrastinate any time..
It's nice that the book is really interactive. You grasp the concepts better that way.
I got write when the creative flow hits me or I am in trouble. I can never force anything out any other time.
I'm definitely not a procrastinator, I don't have time to be. No pun intended. I'm very intentional and strategic. I wasn't always though, it took learning a few lessons the hard way, unfortunately.
this looks like a great book! I am definitely going to check it out and the blog as well. thanks for the suggestion!
I procrastinate till last minute I guess I'm a sucker for stress and love working under pressure.
Sounds like a great book! And the two blogs you introduced are very interesting sounding also! Thank you for sharing!
Giving her a name is a great way to be able to start a conversation with her Becka. Getting to know your IC gives you tools to tone her down as you say.
I hear you on the deadline thing Samantha!
It´s something in our work cycle Liz. Wonder if we can break that.
We are on the same team Lexie.
If we sack our Inner Critic they are always back Irena. We need ways to make peace with them.
Sometimes preparation becomes a stalling technique Michelle.
Thank you Robert!
There are many worksheets along the book Franc. Very pleasing visually too.
Paula: inspiration exists but it has to find you working. Pablo Picasso. Thought you´d appreciate a quote. ;)
Perfect image Dom. :)
It is a practical book Miriam. It takes you into deep areas almost like playing.
Lol, Conny. I recognize the pattern.
I´m enjoying it very much Joanna. :) The girls are cool. :D
we definitely are hardest on ourselves. i love these hops, getting to know other bloggers.
I tend to procrastinate and then work like crazy to make up for it. Trying to change that habit though.
All answers and questions are interesting. In relation to the last one, may I ask if you listen to some music to feed your creativity on working with the story?
Very cool pseudo interview! I dig your process
I find that I get a lot more done with I'm rushing. At the same time I do wish I could get rid of my procrastinating ways!
I have been more of a procrastinator and always wanted to change that about myself. As I age I am trying harder and harder to grow out of this habit that puts a lot of stress on me. Thanks for sharing.
This is a great book! Love this
I do wish I could get rid of my procrastinating ways. You grasp the concepts better that way.
Love the idea of the book to put art and writing techniques next to each other...
Procrastination is one of my weaknesses as well and being a multitasker, without deadlines i'd be dead :P
Who needs and "inner critic" I have a husband for that! Just kidding sounds like a really neat idea.
like most, i am my own worst critic. I haven't name her but it's a really good idea. I think i will, now just to come up with a really good name :)
Sometimes it is good to be a self critic, but overdoing it can lead to srs issues.
I love to write when I am not pressured and I am physically and mentally prepared. The problem is, it's hard to attain those when you have kids and chores waiting. Then I found myself procrastinating on other stuffs to do this stuff. LOL
I'm not a great writer, unless I'm ranting about something, then I could write a book.. lol
My calendar comes up all day reminding me what tasks I should be working on, this really helps me a lot. Otherwise I do the same, work like mad at the last minute.
I'm such a procrastinator - just packed for my 7am flight. lol
Hands down to a person who can write a book. You're a good writer and I hope you'll inspire mo to write. I'm not a good writer but when it comes to product reviews I think I can boast a little.
My inner critic likes to be reflective about things... Haha Procrastination seems to be a common problem for many. :-)
Oh, yes Janelle! We might find just what we like or something that expands our horizons.
I´ve been exploring that Hillary. If I should change the habit or find a way to make it work for me.
Rochkirstin, I use music when I craft (paint, scrapbook, art journal) but not when I write.
Thanks Sam!
Marielle, busy people get a lot done. :D
Rebecca, ths in and out of habits will be the subject of a post soon. :)
It is an awesome book Rubbie Anne!
I´m tryingh to find the roots of my procastination Ralff.
I so totally hear you on the deadline point Johanna!
They must be quite something when they join forces Rena! ;)
Katrina, listen to her. She will tell you her name.
That is one of the points of the book Payal, listening closely as sometimes the Inner Critic has something important to say.
WHen the kids are little you need to find smnall pockets of time and space. It gets easier as they grow.
Lol Natalie! You are an emotional writer then. Go find what you get passionate about.
Goals and schedules are good milestones April.
Hope you caught your flight! :)
Thank you Kath. You certainly have a clear mind for reviewing.
Great to be in good company Eliz. :D
Your description of Barbie and writing in the first chapter of the book is so popular, people ask if I invented you. "I couldn't possibly invent all that energy and fun" I always reply. Thanks for this!
as a critic, i can really be hard on myself that i really have to go easy at some point...
procrastinate? don't we all. sometimes i simply love the adrenalin rush, on some other days i just find it very stressful! :D
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