Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August Moon 14: Days 11 to 15

The August Moon project by Kat Mcnally has come to an end. I will miss the daily prompts!

In a true "Happysnappy" way, let me answer the last prompts with photographs. :)

Day 11: What is the perfect space for you?

Our house was a love at first sight. I couldn´t believe someone would actually sell this beauty. I don´t usually buy/ask for things for myself but this one was: "I-want-that-house" No matter if we had to eat rice for the following ten years. It was meant to be mine. My home.

Btw, it didn´t look that way when we bought it. The cheerful yellow was my idea. :D The white doors my husband´s. We are a good team.

Day 12: What do people thank you for?

I am a born cheerleader. :D

A couple of examples from the past two months.

Day 13: What are the stories that limit you?

This one's a downer, I know. I'm sorry.  But it seems that we all have these stories. 
Is it ok with you if I keep this one private? Yes? Thanks my dear. :)

Day 14: How will you start the journey?

In the past few years I´ve discovered my crash and burn creative cycle. I start by having an efervescent idea which grows and grows and branches out. Suddenly I stop and have this "deer in the headlights" look, paralized by the sheer hughness of the tasks ahead. Then run around like a headless chicken and finally bow my head and get the job done. 
I always start by a written out map which I turn into lists:
which I schedule in my planners: 

Day 15: What if there was no need to wait until you're "perfectly formed"?

In that case I will tell you my website will be launching on my 9th bloggaversary: September 21st.
There, I´ve said it. Now off to work on it! :D

Kat will be giving writing prompts again in December for #reverb14. I will take part in that one too. For now go visit her at I saw you dancing. Thank you Kat! :)

As I told you in #12 I´m a born cheerleader and I want to cheer YOU on, so What if there was no need to wait until you're "perfectly formed"? What is that project you hold dear but haven´t shown the world yet?

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Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful home. I love how organized you are with your planners.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

I really liked this post, it was a great way to get to know a lot about you. And you are certainly right- everyone has bad moments sometimes, and it can be better not to share and not to dwell on those!

Liz Mays said...

The sunny yellow you painted the house is really pretty! I'm a planner person too!

Aisha Kristine Chong said...

I wish I could be that organized and good with planning too lol

Diana V said...

I really like the house, looks very pretty, thanks for sharing :D

Unknown said...

The yellow and white look great together. My husband is the planner in the family.

Lisa said...

I ALWAYS Wanted To Open My Own Italian Restaurant Maybe Someday!1

Unknown said...

I'm always writing lists and in my calendar. Staying organized is key for me

Melissa said...

I so love that house! The deign & the colors just go together beautifully! I bet everyone smiles as they drive past it. :-)

Heather Jones said...

Wow what a question. I don't know how to answer that. I guess I would do what I'm doing now...but hopefully make more money at it and stay a little bit more organized doing it. Blogging, doing my projects and being a mom. I guess I am fully formed.

Anyway, love the yellow!!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I keep saying that I'll someday participate in a photography prompt, but the truth is that I stay so busy! By the way, that home is simply gorgeous.

Boonie said...

I love reading blog posts from creative individuals. Makes me happy to see how many artists are out there making life colorful and divergent for others to experience. I have markers all over the place too. It's like they can't ever be super organized. They just need to be used! Thank you for sharing!

cindy said...

Love how creative you are! Great organization!

Unknown said...

I am in love with your home. I love the color combos!

misteejay said...

It always amazes me how much you get done and your photos are always fabulous.
Toni xx

Bonnie G said...

What a beautiful house. You picked an awesome color that fits it very well. Thanks for sharing your post. =)

Jenny said...

beautiful home :D i want a house someday, but i also know we'll never be able to afford it. but a girl can dream!

FamiGami said...

Perfection is only a perception, not a state of being. You will never be perfectly formed but your journey to chase it is perfect in itself.

Unknown said...

Wow I love the color of the house, the yellow really makes it stand out.

Ben @ Cheap is the new Classy said...

That house is gorgeous! I can't believe anyone would sell it either.

♥ Vanessa said...

Thank you for sharing! Your home is so bright and cheerful, very gorgeous!

Ann B said...

I really like the yellow house with the white doors. I just moved into my new house last we and i could use some of your organization right now.

Unknown said...

Beautiful house! I remember years ago I came across a house that I just wanted to live in. Sadly it wasn't possible because they wanted to sell and not rent and I didn't have the means at the time (I was studying in the University). But it still remains as the model for my dream house.

Unknown said...

Superb house, Paula, congrats! I love the cheerful yellow and with white it works perfectly!
PS Good luck with your new blog, you're gonna do great!

Unknown said...

I love your home! I love the yellow, so bright and cheery!

patranila said...

Such a great color. I used to be a planner person but with the advent of so much digital media, I'm fully digitized these days. I do miss pen on paper though.

Kath Rivera said...

People thank me for sharing my honest products reviews in my blog. Your house is pretty enough for me!

mail4rosey said...

Good luck with your website! And hurrah too for your upcoming bloggiversary.

Unknown said...

I love it! Congrats on owning such a beautiful home, and working together to create such a pretty design scheme.

Unknown said...

I am in LOVE with the color of your home!!! Yellow is myu favorite and it just says LOOK AT ME I AM BEAUTIFUL!!! And it is very much so!!!! Love it!!!

Grace | Life in an Island Paradise said...

I love the color you chose.. Perfect for the house! Pretty neat actually!

Anne Butera said...

Great choice painting your house yellow. It's just so happy!!

I'm getting excited for your new website. :)

Wishing you all the best.


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