Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August Moon 2014: Days 4 to 10

Last week I answered prompts from Day 1 to 3 of the August Moon project by Kat Mcnally.
Now it´s time for the following block: Days 4 to 10

Day 4: What's hiding in your closet?

Lol. I was surprised by the prompt too until I read further. "Take a stroll over to your wardrobe and have a look." Oh, whew! Safe. ;) There were all kinds of questions about my clothes. I like bright solid colours.

All the flowery pinks are my daughter´s and the blues for the boys of the house

Day 5: What would your perfect work day be like?

Thanks for the guide Kat! All the questions are helping me in getting it clearer. Still haven´t completed this prompt. 

Day 6: What are the signs that you are on fire? 

One of my favourite quotes is attributed to Arnold H. Glasow :
Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.
I feel the fire when I get projects off the ground, like the daily #photoprompts in Twitter and my Facebook page.

Day 7: What tends to trip you up?

What was your first gut reaction? Yes, fear is always present. For me it is feeling I don´t have "enough" credentials to do things. I´m old enough to already have a body of work to show you who I am and what I do and yet there is that nagging feeling in the background.
This year I found a poem by Ray Bradbury which has been my compass in the past few months: 

Day 8: Manifesting. Put out the call!

Who could help you in manifesting your dream life? Maybe you already know them. Maybe you don´t.

Some cool synchronicities happened in my life these past weeks. 
Example #1: Donna is a creative coach. We had some sessions a few months ago and she was the one to tell me:
She is launching her new e-book "Falling in love with life" and she will be my guest next Friday. I asked her to share one of the chapters of her book with you and she chose ... "You're allowed to change your mind". Lol. Not only I´ve been changing my mind about projects but I did it once again after reading the chapter she sent me. Perfect timing.

Example #2: to make a long story short I was chickening out on leading an "Artist´s Way" workshop in Spanish with a long list of excuses. A friend called me on them and became my first paying customer. I still don´t have a website and I already have sales! I was more ready for this than I gave myself credit for.

Example #3: I bought my own domain for the blog and chose a theme. When I downloaded it I discovered that it came "naked". The learning curve ahead of me was looking sooooo steep. I knew I needed help. I wanted a female webdesigner who could "get" me. If possible someone I already knew. A friendly face with solid knowledge. That is when a help offer came in the mail. Ana from Our blended marriage is now helping me out with the website.    

Day 9: How could you a cultivate a life that reflects all that you truly are?

I´m making a map of the parts that make me "me".

Day 10: How will you make time work for you?

Marie Folerleo has just published How to change the world and still have time for friends. These steps could be adapted to a lot of situations, family, fitness, finances and even faith.

Did any of these questions resonate with you? Did you recognize patterns?

Remember to come back next Friday for Donna´s chapter of her new e-book!

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Sian said...

These are really interesting prompts, something genuinely new. Lots to think about. Thank you

Unknown said...

I agree with Sian very interesting things to think about!

Lisa said...

I Love Your Way Of Thinking Really Makes You Think Thank You For Sharing!!

Unknown said...

That gives me allot to think about.. allot of questions and thought to put together.

♥ Vanessa said...

This is too funny to read about. I was just cleaning out my closet yesterday evening! An excellent post!

Unknown said...

Those orange shoes are something else! I wonder what is hiding in my closet!

misteejay said...

The prompts have certainly resulted in some interesting responses from you - seems like you are enjoying working through them.
Have fun.
Toni xx

Tracy Snyder said...

These are great prompts. All of them really get you thinking. Not sure I could do them all right now either.

Unknown said...

This gives me a lot more to think about on my spare time.

Unknown said...

Great post, this has given me a lot to think about. I don't even want to look in my closet.

Mrs. Mashed Up said...

What's hiding in my closet? Probably a whole other wardrobe that's not completely the wrong size. LOL Great prompt writing.

The AnnMarie John said...

Loved the answers to the questions and I can't wait to see the finished product of your blog when you're done redesigning.

Anonymous said...

I just cleared out my closet. Time to reorganize it.

Michelle F.

Liz Mays said...

This resonates with me. I definitely tend to hold myself back too much. I need to let myself soar.

mail4rosey said...

It's hard to step out of a comfort zone. Especially if your comfort zone is really comfortable. I think that's true even when you're not really happy with what you're doing.

Unknown said...

This was an interesting post. Such a good thing to read about. im looking forward for it

Franc said...

I like this quote, Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. We should really happens because we took the opportunity and made the most of it.

Roch said...

Why do you put shoes in your closet? I thought they should be placed in like a shoe box or another cabinet. :)

Bonnie G said...

Neat prompts. I too have shoes in my closet. =)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Sian, Kat has seasonal prompt series. Keep an eye on her, she´s really good at that. :)

It´s the little ordonary things that truly make our lives Taylor.

Thanks for the visit Lisa.

I like the 14 days duration of it Robert. Not too much, not too little.

Closets say a lot about us Vanessa. :)

Go have a look Kendra! ;)

I hadn´t followed prompts in so long Toni, it feels like new. :)

You don´t need to write them down Tracy. Just noticing things gives you a deeper knowledge.

Do it as you go along with your day Annemarie. Awareness takes you off autopilot.

Then it´s the perfect moment to do it Catherine. You will feel lighter after you do.

Lol Mrs Mashed up.

I´m moving to a completely new blog Growing Up Madison. This one will stay as archive. :)

Go for it Michelle! :)

oh! I´ve always seen you as soaring Liz! I wonder where you´ll get when you let yourself go full speed. :D

I totally agree with your comment about comfort Rosey.

Thank you Oliver. You are very kind.

I use it when I´m writing Franc. Set yourself on fire. :)

Rochkirstin, I have a stack of shoe boxes in the closet. :D Orange shoes looked better than white boxes. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the quotes! I'm feeling more inspired already. :)

Kathleen Jowitt said...

Your orange shoes are gorgeous! Good luck with your ponderings around the perfect work day.

Kelly said...

I like bright colours, too, though I can't really wear them with my pale complexion. I sure love the orange shoes!

Tiffany said...

These are some good prompts. Great idea for a post.

Ann B said...

This is great i love the prompts. Something to genuinely think about.

Unknown said...

I love introspective prompts. They make me stop and really think about how I am spending my time, and if it's really worth the effort I put into all my volunteer activities, especially. I like the orange shoes in your closet too, funky!

Unknown said...

Huh, that's interesting. Nothing really jumped out at me, but I've used similar questions to keep myself in check. Oh, and I pray a lot, especially when it's time to check the closet ;)

Kat McNally said...

I am so proud of you, Paula!
And I am coveting those orange sandals!! xx

Prototype Mama said...

What a cool idea for a post. I was just cleaning out my closet last night!


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