Sunday, December 14, 2008

Advent calendar day 14th: candles

From Tati´s Bible class calendar: lit the third candle on the advent crown.

Soul coaching round two: water week in images.

Water week title page, lots of summery images as we are approaching Summer.
day 8: turning points (those are the main turning point years in the past 25, looking forward to the next) & day 9: meaning and personal history

day 10: thing that make your energy go up or down (hence the stairs that can take you both ways) & day 11: the way you relate to the world (stars &b hearts, I guess I was in a loving mood ;) )

day 12: being still (a peaceful place) & day 13: gratitude


Genie Sea said...

Hello! Prolific! Wow woman! Awesome collages. :) I especially love the first one. I love how you're revisiting soul coaching :)

Lisa said...

You've been tagged with the Friendship Blogger award and a meme too (because I'm a multitasking modern woman!)


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