Friday, March 18, 2011

A week of firsts in painting

Welcome to Paint Party Friday!

Eva and Kristin created this meeting point where, starting today, you can share your painting adventures.

The timing was perfect for me, as I had a lot of new things to try this week. Remember my frame? It has decoupage with volume on it. More pics on the previous post.

One of the things I wanted to learn was varnishing. As I had never worked on wood (a very popular hobby here) I had read about it but I needed to be shown how to use it and specially I needed to know all the products in Spanish and what is available here in Buenos Aires.

The place where I go to art classes has a shop, so I only needed to go there with the teacher and she walked me through all my options.

Another first was my first oil paintings. The teacher prefers them to acrylics and I was willing to try.

We started with two colours: yellow and red.

A close up of my first patina. I finally know how to use glazing! *beam*
It is still a work in progress. I also learnt how to clean my brushes after using oil based paints.

An update of my Wishcasting Journal by Jamie Ridler. There is also a painting link here as I coloured a background with pencils on the right hand side. It talks about how I got stucked because my journal "was supposed to be a certain way" and as I couldn´t make it so ... well, I didn´t write on it. *Roll eyes at my own set ideas* To get over the empty blank page I put some colour to it. It is very subtle because I was not really sure about what I was doing and there was some resistance.


Marlene said...

Your frame is beautiful. I have tried oils but didn't care for the long wait time. You certainly have a knack for them. Have fun with your classes.

EVA said...

Hi Paula

Your frame is looking lovely and so great you are experimenting with new paints. My oils are still in a box - unexperimented with!

So happy the timing worked so well for you and that you could come to the party!

Deanna said...


The frame is gorgeous! You did a wonderful job. You have a great teacher and how nice of her to help you through all of the steps. Can I borrow her? lol.

I love oils, I just wish it was a little easier for clean up after the play time. :)

GlorV1 said...

You did a great job on the frame and I love the flowers. Oil is very hard to work with and glad you are able to clean your brushes.:) I ruined mine. Tee hee. Have a great weekend. Enjoy PPF.

Unknown said...

That frame is just freakin' adorable! Love it. :-) Great job and I look forward to seeing it progress.

Kristin Dudish said...

Hi Paula!

What a lovely frame! I'm so glad you're having fun with oils :)
(I love 'em too, but the clean-up always keeps me away.)

I'm so glad you were able to join the party (and thank you for the thoughtful snacks)!

I look forward to seeing more of your paintings...


Toni said...

What a pretty frame. Perfect for spring.

Christine said...

pretty frame, I can tell you learning a lot.

Annabelle said...

Lovely frame , especially so painted in oils. I hate the clean up, guess i ruin things quickly so the reason I stay away from them.
My grandfather was born in Buenos Aries and I know my dad found some family there as well. Someday it would be lovely to visit your country.
Glad to make the acquaintance.

Annabelle >^.^<

Kat W said...

Beautifully painted pretty frame. Oils are something I'd like to learn more about but so far have little knowledge of.

Kat :-)

Victoria said...

Gorgeous work..very uplifting..wonderful! Shine on!

Serena Lewis said...

Your painted frame looks fabulous, Paula!! Well done to YOU!

Anne Butera said...

Gorgeous! Looks like you're having so much fun, too!

misteejay said...

Oh wow Paula, well done you - what a pretty frame.

Toni xx

Nelly said...

Yeah for learning new techniques! I have never used oils, you look like your are doing quite well with them. Great job.

gma said...

It is great to see WIP's. The frame is great! Have fun painting and playing.

Melisa said...

It's looking good! I love oils and lately I'm using the water soluble oils because they dry faster, clean up with water, and don't stink. :)

Lynn Stevens said...

lovely frame, oils can be fun just takes some drying time, you can speed that process up with a little lindseed oil and terpinoid or thinner.

Gumnut said...

Lovely colourful work. I too have only just now discovered glazing. It is a great technique to play with.

Yvonne said...

Oh to learn and create beautiful things is so much fun. Enjoying PPF.

Pam Tucker said...

Your frame is beautiful! I'm afraid to try oils because of all the cleanup, etc. But they ARE so gorgeous. :)

Unknown said...

Love your frame, it's beautiful... I just see oils as messy and smelly so well done you... great to meet you

Carrie Martinez said...

How very inspirational! Love the yellow frame and delicate flowers :)

Priti Lisa said...

This is so unique and pretty...I've never tried oils, but the effect is so much deeper and vibrant than acrylics.


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