Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Goals check in for Feb ´14

Time to summarize my month in numbers for the My month in numbers feature by Julie Kirk.  Here are some inspirational instructions on how to go about it. 

I´m keeping 90 pictures for the month. Here are my 25 favourites. Click on the mosaic to see it bigger.

I finished working on the 365 prompts for 2014 and reshuffled the lot to make a monthly voyage of discovery out of them. If you want daily inspiration on what to photograph, go to my Paula - Buenos Aires Facebook page, which by the way grew by 20 followers in February. Sweet.

I had two guests this month at the blog. I interviewed Quinn McDonald onher new book and how to deal with our Inner Critic and Lisa Beaulieu on her art project with colourful Fimo angels left to be found.
My "hobbies" goals for this year include: 60 layouts (0 so far), 12 fiction books ( 1 in Feb, 2 total), 6 non fiction ( 0 for Feb, 3 in total ) and 6 rereadings (1 began in Jan).

I´m currently reading this one
Not much progress in my "go out" goals for 2014. From the 6 new places to eat still 0 new, 1 craft fair in Feb (1 in Jan so 2 total), 0 animé exhibitions till Feb but already 1 in March! and  from the 3 new Museums the count is still at 1 art exhibit in Jan. We did go to an antiques fair though:

So, what did happen this month?
My son was 18 the same day I was ... some more years. ;)

Our girl and her bestest friends (yea, I know it is just best but this girls are more than that ;) ) had a chocolate picnic for Valentine´s Day.
And after three wonderful months it was back to school time for them.
Uniform ready the night before
What about you? Still on track? Lost a bit of focus? Went absolutely off the original plan? Get back on the saddle. Start again where you are with what you have. :)

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misteejay said...

I always love seeing your photos Paula and your numbers are interesting.

Toni xx

Julie Kirk said...

Hi Paula and a very happy belated birthday to you! And your son, that's a lot to celebrate in s short month.

I *love* the look of that antiques fair - it's not like any one I've been to here in England! It's fabulous - I think I'd have been overwhelmed by the options.

I've added you to the board now: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

Happy March to you and yours Paula!

Julie :-)

p.s: the book you asked about [I know a couple called Tony & Susan too - which is probably what caught my eye on the library shelf!] is a pretty good. It's a novel inside a novel and is in part a thriller. It's quite tense at times - but the end didn't quite live up to the strong start. I enjoyed it though.

Sian said...

Happy Birthday to the pair of you!

Melissa said...

Looks like you had a lovely month, with some special occasions. Well done on keeping going with your goals.

Tanya @ Moms Small Victories said...

How fun to analyze your month in numbers (says the former accountant) :)

Sounds like a fun month between birthdays and the genius idea of a chocolate picnic :) I hope there is more reading in March too, I love to read and blog about books and my goals as well. Here's my goals post I linked up..http://momssmallvictories.com/march-2014-personal-goals-2014goals/

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Quite a few 0s this month Toni. Lol!

Thanks Julie! Actually we went there after reading an article about it being the British hip thing to merge styles. I´ll check if I can find that book here, just for the fun of the title. ;)

Thanks Sian!

I chose goals that were in line with what I tend to do. I only put slightly higher numbers this year.

I´m not a numbers person Tanya but I love lists. :D The chocolate picnic was a hit! Going to visit you now. :)


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