The most important number for September 2014 is ONE new website! Visit me at:
For September 2014´s update and goals check in I´m doing {My month in numbers}. It is a project taking place at Julie Kirk´s blog where you sum up your month with numbers. Here are some inspirational instructions on how to go about it. This is my 30th consecutive participation.
For September 2014´s update and goals check in I´m doing {My month in numbers}. It is a project taking place at Julie Kirk´s blog where you sum up your month with numbers. Here are some inspirational instructions on how to go about it. This is my 30th consecutive participation.
I´m keeping 392 photos for the month. 198 were taken by me, 8 by others and 186 by Tati on her school trip. Here are my favourites from each day. Click on the mosaic to see it bigger.
I followed 19/30 of the #photoprompts for September plus 5 Plan B takes: Find October´s prompts here in this note on my Facebook page (note available only during October 2014)!
For daily reminders of the #photoprompts Like my Facebook Page here or Follow me on Twitter here.
“On line” goals:
In September my Paula – Buenos Aires Facebook page grew by 17 followers. I´m hoping for the900 followers milestone next. Suddenly the “crazy” goal for 2014 of 1000 looks doable. My Twitter account for which I didn´t set goals is growing too. 382 persons are following @PBAtweets.
Btw: everyday at 6pm my time I post a #photoprompt for the next day. Takes off the pressure of thinking what to photograph for your 365 projects, gives you a conversation starter and once you start looking for things you actually SEE more.
Plus I wrote 1 Wednesdays posts and had 0 guest blogger:
Still working for the International Bloggers Association in my role of VP of our G+ community which you can join here
I was invited to cohost linky parties:
+ 4 #ilovesocialsaturday
+ 4 Ultimate Facebook parties
+ 4 G+ parties
That many linky parties I´ve been doing had been overwhelming for my Happysnappy blog so I moved them to their own site: Nice to meet you
My “hobbies” goals for this year include:
60 layouts (0 so far), 12 fiction books ( 0 in September, 5 total), 6 non fiction ( 0 for June, 3 in total ) and 6 rereadings (1 ! Finally!!!). Oh, ermmmm, not much last month.
My “go out” goals for 2014:
From the 6 new places to eat: 1 this month, that is 3 total, 0 craft fairs in September ( 7 total),1 animé exhibitions ( 4 out of 2 total Yay! ) and from the 3 new Museums the count is at 2 art exhibits and now 2 revisits.
You might have guessed, but in case you are wondering: the Panda is my girl.
Otaku Matsuri animé convention.
Julio Cortazar is one of my favourite writers ever. We went to Los otros cielos, an art exhibit at the National Museum of Art. It was a mix of personal objects, photographs, book drafts, interviews and art mentioned in his books. Awesome!
I do have a ton of plans for October and even more for November! To know more about it, suscribe to my newsletter here.
Stay tuned!
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