Sunday, November 23, 2014

Paola Gianetto brings joy to your home with hand painted ceramics

Paola Gianetto I met Paola at a Facebook group and immediately recognized the fire in her eyes when she talked about painting. Knowing that she leads a full time working life as a lawyer I wanted to know how she managed to incorporate painting to her days and asked her how she did it all.
We talked about her “studio time” and her working routines, the space, her day job and how an art exgibition changed the course of her whole life.

This is what Paola tells us about herself:

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 16th 1977.
I´ve got a degree from Law School (Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2001) ), I´m a specialist in State law (ECAE – 2009), also in non profits (UDESA – 2011) and sustainable public procurement .
One day, towards the end of 2012, I saw an art exhibition that dazzled me. This had never happened to me before and I started looking up who the artists were. A few months later I managed to find out who the iniciators of the art show were and about the movement that would change my life forever: essentialism
In April 2013 I started my art studies in Heriberto Zorrilla and Helena Distéfano´s workshop where I still study today and where I discovered that painting makes me happy.
Here I am. This is me and my soul.

The day you stepped into your current creative space for the first time, did you already know how you wanted your studio to look like or did the design evolve from the actual space?

I started painting 2 years ago when I started taking classes at a workshop. Truth is I realized as soon as I started that I was going to need space, so I opted to use an empty room at home where I keep the pieces I work on and all my painting materials. The reality is that, as my house is so full of light in every room, I don´t use just one spot to paint.  Sometimes I paint in that room, sometimes in the dining room and sometimes in the garden.
LaDora Store ( a gift shop) is a start up that I founded this year with my friend and business partner Eugenia and we work at her place which is cosy and cute.
Mapamundi-60-x-80-acrílic painta-octubre-2013.

After the work is done, do you clean up after each piece, after each day or whenever you can´t find the table anymore?

Each time I finish painting I put everything away so I can find it again easily. In Euge´s place case, as she lives there, she usually tidies up when I´m gone so we can use all the time for pure work.

Which is your best time of the day to create? Do you have music on or do you prefer to work in silence?

I don´t have a fixed schedule. As I work full time in my day job I only have evenings / night to work on our products. Background music is great to paint. It inspires me. And when I´m working with my friend for the store there is always bachata on as it is her favourite music.
painted ceramics

Which is your next project?

About my own paintings I´m planning on offering interior decoration services and art pieces rent with option to buy, which is known as a leasing contract and is a much more accesible way to buy art both for enterprises and particular clients.
LaDoraStore was founded in October 2014. The idea for this start up is to develop new products to be able to offer new options to our clients. As the greatest part of the products we are planning on offering are decorative pieces we are evaluating the possibility of offering an interior decoration service plus incorporating a corporate gifts line. We are on the planning stages of the new line of products.
Painted ceramics

Where can we find you on line?

Twitter: @paogianetto =
and  @ladorastore =
Instagram: paogianetto

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